The government has announced plans for some children to start to return to school from Monday 1st June at the earliest. This date is not yet confirmed and the government will make further announcements.
We know you will have questions about when your children will be able to return to school and we are really looking forward to welcoming children and families back. We are asking you to give us time to work on our plans for this, to make sure arrangements are in place so that all children and adults can be as safe as possible while they are here.
In the meantime, only children of critical workers and those identified as vulnerable can come in to school with the agreement of the headteacher. If you think your child can be in school, please contact Mrs Reid on
Once the date for schools re-opening is confirmed, we will contact families individually to let you know when your child can come in.
This is very unlikely to be at the same time for all children, even in the same year group. Children should only return to school when they have received a start date from us and not before.
We will tell you more as soon as we can.
In the meantime, we will continue to supply work for our children on the school website ate the links below –
- Class Learning Pages –
- Community Tasks –
- Scholastic Reading Library –
Please bear with us at this difficult time as we work to ensure a safe return to school for all.
Best wishes,
Mr D Houson
St Saviour’s RC Primary School