Safeguarding & Child Protection
St Saviour’s RC Primary School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors and promoting a climate where children and adults will feel confident sharing any concerns that they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others.
The School understands the importance of working closely with other agencies to safeguard children and seeking to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and other colleagues. We continue to develop and provide activities and opportunities throughout our curriculum that will help to equip our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe, develop essential life skills as well as protective behaviours in order that they recognise when they are at risk and how to get help when they need it.
The school recognises its legal duty under S175/157 of the 2002 Education Act to work with other agencies in safeguarding children and protecting them from ‘significant harm’. The framework for such procedures is defined by the Circular ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (2019) from the DFE and the Lewisham Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB).
St Saviour’s Designated Safeguarding Leads
Whilst all our staff understand that everyone is responsible for Safeguarding in the school, the DSL’s (Designated Safeguarding Leads) are –
- Mr D Houson (Headteacher / Lead DSL)
- Miss S Tavernier (Assistant Head/Inclusion Manager/Deputy DSL)
- Mr A Chown (Assistant Head/Inclusion Manager/Deputy DSL)
St Saviour’s RC Primary School has adopted the Lewisham Policy for Safeguarding which can be read below –
Online Safety
Our children are taught to be safe online as part of our Computing sessions.
A copy of our Online safety policy can be viewed by clicking the link below –