Message from Father David

Dear members of our St Saviour’s family,
I hope you are well despite the circumstances. 
I would like to invite you to take part in an online course about getting to know Jesus. It is called ‘Sycamore’ after the tree that Zacchaeus, the tax collector, climbed to see Jesus: the course gives people a chance to see Jesus like that tree did. 
It consists of ten weekly videos with small-group discussion, done via ‘breakout rooms’ in Zoom. The content is not complicated – it is designed for complete beginners – but it prompts deep questions.
Please do invite a friend or two (or more) to be part of your group as it works best among friends, especially those who are curious about Jesus.  But you can also join alone and we will assign you a group.
I am planning to run it 6.30-7.45pm on Thursday nights, starting this Thursday – please God we can move from Zoom to the parish hall before the ten weeks are up!
Here is the link to the Sycamore course:
Please email me ( if you are interested.
God bless you!
Fr David, school chaplain