Pupil Premium Grant
St. Saviour’s RC Primary School receives a Pupil Premium Grant as part of the School Budget.
For the academic year 2022-2023 the school received £61,870
The above document includes data analysis for the 2022-23 academic year and impact.
The key driving principle of St Saviour’s RC Primary School Improvement Plan (SIP) is the welfare of all children. Within this we seek to give every child the best possible opportunity to read their full potential.
Previous Barriers to Learning
At the end of each academic year the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) review the main barriers to learning for our children.
For the 2019/21 Academic Year (including COVID Lockdowns) we have highlighted –
- Closing the achievement gap between boys and girls, Pupil Premium and Non Pupil Premium and children with SEN (Special Educational Needs) compared to those with no SEN
- Review of our provision for Higher Ability Writers
- Educational Resilience for all
- Language Enrichment for children in EYFS
Closing the Gap
- Use the new curriculum expectations linked to assessment as a key driver to raise standards, ensuring children stay on track by ‘closing the gap’ rapidly and systematically.
- Ensure that all possible systems are in place to support the progress of vulnerable and/or under performing children including Quality First Teaching, use of Pupil Premium, tracking, pupil progress meetings, enrichment, SEND provision, planning and creative approaches to introducing and embedding new learning.
- In addition, apply all of the above to the under performing groups identified in specific cohorts.
At St Saviour’s RC Primary School we believe that being all of our current mental states have a huge impact on how well we learn. Reference to a child’s state of mind or mental health, is a fundamental requirement if children are to reach their full potential.
- Continue to develop pupil skills of co-operation, team work, collaboration and participation
- Develop the whole school community’s understanding of the rationale underpinning the importance of being “in the right place mentally”
- Use learnt strategies and techniques to raise children’s levels of resilience and use external measures of impact throughout the year.
Language Enrichment
At St Saviour’s we have noticed over time that the percentage of children entering our EYFS stages with an expected level of English language is decreasing.
In answer to this issue we have invested in Phonics training from a National Provider and ensured that each EYFS classroom is “language rich”
Leadership and Management
- The Headteacher and SLT lead the whole school on taking responsibility for the closing of the achievement gap. This SIP priority is embedded in the practice and ethos of the school.
- The AssistantHead for Inclusion oversees the organisation of all additional provision, working closely with the Assessment Coordinator and the Head of School, to track the progress of pupil premium children and evaluate the impact of all provision. They also report termly to governors.
- There is a link governor for pupil premium children who monitors the provision and its impact.
- Closing the Gap for Pupil Premium children continues to be a key focus of the School Improvement Plan (see above), with actions identified and tracked across all subject areas by Phase Leaders. Thus all leaders and teachers within the school are specifically involved in the raising of attainment for Pupil premium children.
School Level Provision
In order to –
- raise self-esteem;
- give opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills; and
- involve children in decision making.
We ensure that PP children are well represented in such activities as;
- assemblies and performances;
- school council;
- monitoring; and
- guides for visitors.
Using strategies such as buddies and partnering, we coach children who may lack the confidence to take part.
Class level Provision
The key purpose of our Pupil Premium funding is to enable the pupils to reach their full potential, removing any barriers to learning and allowing them to make at least expected and, whenever possible, accelerated progress.
- Individual tuition for vulnerable children in Class 6
- Pupil Premium teacher who supports children in class one day a week
- Pre teaching/enrichment/trips to ensure full access to the curriculum ( see below)
- After school booster groups
- Targeted adult support in small groups
- An out of school home learning platform which is available to all students
- Tracking uptake of all Out of School Learning.
- Targeting children for specific clubs and removing barriers to participation by, for example, subsidising places and helping with children’s travel to and from clubs.
- Using information from the gifted and talented register to ensure pupil premium children have the chance to develop their specific skills.
- Subsidising school trips and journeys.
- A Music specialist teacher and a PE specialist teacher contribute to the planning and delivery of lessons, enhancing the curriculum and developing the skills of all staff. As part of our whole school approach to closing the gap, developing the talents of the targeted children in every class is one of their key goals.
- Other specialists such as a Clarinet and a Guitar teacher also contribute to our aim of a wide range of experiences and opportunities for Pupil Premium children.
Pupil Premium Children with SEN
To further maximise the achievement of these pupils a number of identified TAs have regular, ongoing, specialist training. This allows our TAs to keep abreast of new initiatives and evaluate the techniques to drive our pupils forward. Their SEN knowledge and skills are modelled in the classroom allowing the sharing of key skills and widening the portfolio of strategies to challenge all of our pupils.
How Will the Impact of Pupil Premium Funding Be Measured?
The impact of the way we spend Pupil Premium Funding will be measured in the following ways –
- Termly in Pupil Progress meetings
- Yearly in terms of National Figures (EYFS, Year 1 Phonics, Year 2 SATs and Year 6 SATs)
- Yearly in terms of Internal Assessment for all classes
- Impact of Intervention Groups
- Impact of Enrichment Clubs