Government Announcement

Good morning everyone,

You will of have seen our Prime Ministers speech on Sunday evening about the phased opening of Primary Schools from 1st June for Reception, Class 1 and Class 6. The school or school leaders in general nationwide were not alerted to this prior to the announcement so we are still working out how the children can safely return whilst maintaining social distancing.

There is a lot of work to do, not only preparing the school, but also seeking reassurance from the Government about the safety of the whole school community, children and staff.

There will also be a lot of announcements from the Government, DfE and teaching and support staff unions over the next few days.

When all becomes clearer and the school community has received the reassurances we need to maintain safety, we will let you know immediately.

Please be assured that we take the education of your child very seriously, but we must also ensure we are not putting staff and children’s health in danger.

Mr D Houson
