September Schools Re-opening
30th August 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this finds you and your loved ones in good health after the summer break.
The school re-opens to children in our main school on Friday 3rd September. Nursery and Reception classes have slightly different start days so please refer to the documentation you will have received.
Lewisham LA held a schools reopening meeting via Zoom at the end of last week, where all attending headteachers were given –
- The latest National transmission and positivity rates by a representative of Public South East Health England
- The latest local transmission and positivity rates by a representative of Public Health Lewisham
- The latest Department for Education recommendations
As you may have read in the National press, the transmission rate is still as high as when we closed our doors for the summer break in July. In some cases, the figures in Lewisham are slightly higher than the London average.
As well as teaching the children of our community, it is also our responsibility to ensure that we do all we can to make learning a fun, and safe experience.
In light of this we have amended how the school will be operating from Friday 3rd September. We will no longer be working in 4 “Bubbles”, we will instead move to two groups as follows –
KS2 | |
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 | Should enter the school between 8.30 and 8.45 (Lessons begin at 8.45) |
School will finish at 3.15 and the children should be collected between 3.15 and 3.30. | |
Parents should wait only on the KS2 playground and wait for the children to exit the ramps |
EYFS & KS1 | |
Nursery, Reception | Should enter the school between 8.45 and 9.00 (Lessons begin at 9.00) |
Year 1 and 2 | School will finish at 3.30 and the children should be collected between 3.30 and 3.45. |
- The groups will have separate assemblies
- The groups will have separate playtimes
- The groups will have separate lunchtimes
- The groups will have separate play equipment
We of course recognise that many parents will have children in both groups.
If this is the case, may we suggest the following –
- Drop your KS2 (Year 3, 4, 5 or 6) child off slightly before they line up at 8.45am
- Drop your KS1 or EYFS (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2) at 8.45am
This would mean you would only have to wait a couple of minutes between groups.
Again, the same thing could be repeated at home time –
- Pick up your KS2 (Year 3, 4, 5 or 6) child off slightly before 3.30pm
- Pick up your KS1 or EYFS (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2) at 3.30pm
This would mean you would only have to wait a couple of minutes between groups.
What is the system for picking up and dropping children off?
Nursery Parents | The parents of Nursery children should drop the children at the main Nursery entrance in the morning or afternoon sessions. |
In the evening parents should pick up their child from the rear of the Nursery and wait in the Nursery playground. | |
The Class Teacher will lead the class out and dismiss the children only to a known adult over the age of 18. | |
Please do not approach the classrooms. |
Reception Parents | In the morning the parents of Reception children should enter through the main gates and wait with their child near the AstroTurf/back of the church. |
In the evening parents should wait for their child in the same area. | |
The Class Teacher will lead the class out and dismiss the children only to a known adult over the age of 18. | |
Please do not approach the classrooms. |
Class 1 & 2 Parents | In the morning children of Class 1 and 2 should enter through the main gates and wait in the large playground. |
Parents do not have to wait with their child. | |
In the evening parents should wait for their child in the large playground. | |
The Class Teacher will lead the class out and dismiss the children only to a known adult over the age of 18. | |
Please do not approach the classrooms. |
Class 3, 4, 5 & 6 Parents | In the morning children of Class 3, 4, 5 and 6 should enter through the main gates and wait in the large playground. |
Parents do not have to wait with their child. | |
In the evening parents should wait for their child in the large playground. | |
The Class Teacher will lead the class out and dismiss the children only to a known adult over the age of 18. | |
If your child is in Year 5 or 6 and you wish them to walk home alone, then you should inform the school in writing. | |
Please do not approach the classrooms. |
All of the above will be reviewed at Half Term based on information from Public Health England, Public Health Lewisham, the DfE and our independent Health & Safety advisor.
What are we doing at the school to keep things safe for all?
- Schools should focus on the three main prevention methods of transmission –
- Good ventilation
- Enhanced hand washing
- Enhanced cleaning of regular contact points/areas
- Schools no longer need to report cases to Lewisham or the DfE
- Staff should alert the school immediately if they test positive
- Individual Risk Assessments are still in place for Pregnant or Vulnerable (as defined by PHE) members of staff
DfE reintroduces remote learning legal duty for 2021/22. Schools will once again be required to offer immediate access to ‘high-quality remote education’ when pupils are unable to attend the school site.
We hope this both allays any fears you may have regarding your child’s return to school and assures you that we will continue to put our community’s safety as paramount.
We too are eager to “fully” get back to normal.
But each school is completely different in its size and layout. The small layout of our buildings and corridors mean we must still operate in a cautious, safe manner whilst delivering our core service of education.
No one wants to see a return to lockdowns and home learning.
We look forward to welcoming your all back very soon!
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Houson