Positive COVID19 Case in Class 5 & 6 Bubble

Dear Parents and Carers of Class 5 and 6,

I am sorry to have to inform you that we have been alerted to a positive COVID19 test result in the Year 5 & 6 Bubble.

All children and staff in the bubble must not return to school and self isolate until 30th November (14 days after last contact).

Enclosed is information provided from PHE and the DfE.

  • You should continue to monitor your child and household for symptoms 
  • If your child and/or household members develop symptoms you should request a COVID19 test
  • If the test is positive, please inform the school regardless

Please remember the children should not be leaving the house until 28th November, or mixing with anyone from another household.

Your’s Sincerely,

Mr D Houson
