Phased Opening Update 29.5.30

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope this finds you well and you and your family are safe and healthy!

From June 1st all primary school in England are under notice to begin phased re-opening.

At St Saviour’s we have of course been away from our “home” for 9 weeks so a lot of work has been during during the half term break to ensure the school is ready and safe for children and staff.

Monday June 1st and Tuesday June 2nd will be Health & Safety training days for our staff as we brief them in the latest safe working practises, issue their PPE equipment and instructions on safe working practises.

The school will open for children of Critical Workers only for the first two weeks so we can establish how we can run the school safely whilst maintaining social distancing.

The classrooms have been set up at a much reduced capacity. Desks have been set 2m apart which means classes can now only accommodate between 7 and 10 children depending on the class size and/or layout.

If you fall into the category of a Critical worker please inform Mrs Reid at the school office and you will need to provide evidence of your status.

Please note that the school will be closed each Friday for deeper cleaning and to allow our staff to continue to provide Home Learning for the vast majority of our students.

After the first week (June 1st) we will again conduct a survey of parents of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to establish who wishes to send their child back to school.

From this we will be able to look at which of the above classes we are able to provide for in our much reduced capacity.

Children in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 have not been mentioned in the DfE plans this far, so we will continue to provide Home Learning for the children which is posted weekly on the school website.

If your child is in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 or Year 6and you do not feel comfortable sending your child back to school, this is your own personal decision and you will not be fined by the school. We will of course continue to provide Home Learning for those classes too.

Please continue to work with us as we continue to strive for a safe, full reopening of the school when the country is in a position to do so. Please stay tuned to the school website as things are changing quite a lot!

In the meantime be safe and we have you all in our prayers.

St Saviour’s Team



When you arrive at the school all children will enter the site via the Nursery entrance. You must remain with your child as their temperature is taken. If you child’s temperature is above the recommended COVID19 temperature they will be refused entry.

No adults will be allowed access to the site to minimalist the risk of passing the virus.

Your child should – 

  • ​Bring a water bottle with their name on it
  • NO toys, cards or any equipment should be brought onto the premises.
  • Your child does not have to be in school uniform
  • Please brief your child on social distancing – children who refuse to social distance from other children and staff could result in their place being withdrawn under Health & Safety grounds
  • If you normally supply your child with a packed lunch then please continue to do so.
  • If your child normally has a school lunch they will be provided with a sandwich made by our kitchen staff
  • All lunches will be eaten in class.
When dropping off / picking up your child
  • ​​Please observe social distancing from other parents and friends. We know this will be incredibly difficult as you may not have seen people for a while, but you must remain two metres apart and not congregate in groups.
  • Consider your route to school
  • You should not be giving “lifts” to children from other households as this breaks social distancing rules.
  • You should not bring children from other families as this also breaks the “do not mix with people from other households” unless 2m social distancing can be observed.
  • Please can we ask that only one parent or carer brings the child to school, please do not bring siblings where possible.
  • Please be punctual when dropping off and picking up your child
What will the classrooms look like?
  • ​All classrooms have very limited capacity due to the need to remain 2m apart
  • Desks are 2m apart and tape is on the floor to remind children.
  • We have a one way system around the school, so an awful lot of our normal routines will be different

Our staff will be wearing gloves and face masks, so you may wish to prepare your child for this.