The school will be open next week for children of Critical Workers only, vulnerable children and children with an EHC Plan.
Work packs are being given to the children today (Friday) which should last 2-3 weeks. After that we will attempt to put work on each child’s class page in the Children‘s Zone.
We know that these are very worrying times and the closure is extremely worrying for all children’s education, right across England. We don’t know when we will reopen again, but hope it’s not too long.
In the meantime the school will be operating a skeleton staff for children of Critical Workers only next week.
Please be safe and do the right thing for the borough. Avoid social gatherings and if you or any member of your family develop a persistent cough or temperature you must go to the NHS website and the whole family must self isolate for 14 days. If we all act together, things will get back to normal quickly. But only if we all pull together.
For the children and families we won’t see over the coming weeks and potentially months, our thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Be safe, remember the power of prayer and we’ll see you all very soon I’m sure.
Mr D Houson and the staff of ST Saviour’s RC Primary